What are TrueType fonts?
What are TrueType fonts?
If you are sitting at
a Windows or Macintosh computer right now, then you are looking at a TrueType
font as you read this! Fonts are the different styles of
typefaces used by a computer to display text. If you are like most people, you
are probably looking at text in many different sizes and you may even want to
print out a document. Early computer operating systems relied on bitmapped fonts
for display and printing. These fonts had to be individually created for
display at each particular size desired. If you made the font larger or smaller
than it was intended to be, it looked horrible. And printed text was almost
always very jagged looking.
In the late
1980s, Adobe introduced its Type 1 fonts
based on vector graphics. Unlike bitmapped fonts, vector
fonts could be made larger or smaller (scaling) and still look good.
Adobe also developed a printing language called Postscript that
was vastly superior to anything else on the market. Microsoft and Apple were
very interested in these technologies but did not want to pay royalties to
Adobe for something that could become an integral part of both companies'
operating systems. For that reason, Microsoft and Apple joined to develop
vector font and printing technology of their own. In the end, Apple actually
developed the font technology, TrueType. Meanwhile, the print
engine being developed by Microsoft, TrueImage, never really got
off the ground.
TrueType technology
actually involves two parts:
The TrueType
TrueType fonts
The Rasterizer is a
piece of software that is embedded in both Windows and Mac operating systems.
It gathers information on the size, color, orientation and location of all the
TrueType fonts displayed and converts that information into a bitmap that can be
understood by the graphics card and monitor. It is essentially an interpreter that
understands the mathematical data supplied by the font and translates it into a
form that the video display can render.
The fonts themselves
contain data that describes the outline of each character in the typeface.
Higher quality fonts also contain hinting codes. Hinting is a
process that makes a font that has been scaled down to a small size look its
best. Instead of simply relying on the vector outline, the hinting codes ensure
that the characters line up well with the pixels so that the font looks as
smooth and legible as possible.
There are literally
thousands of TrueType fonts available, many of them for free on the Web. A lot
of these fonts have simply been scanned and converted from other sources. While
most fonts should be perfectly fine, an improperly created TrueType font can
include errors that could potentially crash your computer. Professionally
designed fonts can cost a hundred dollars apiece but usually are heavily hinted
and have been tested at a variety of sizes and angles for optimum quality.
These features are important for advertising firms and publishing houses. For
most of us, the free or inexpensive fonts work just fine.
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